Sax Watch

A Blog dedicated to revealing the truth about Jeff Sax, Republican candidate for Snohomish County Council in District 5. NOTICE TO VOTERS: This Advertisement is not authorized or approved by any candidate. It is paid for by the owner of this web site, and I am not a PAC. (Top five contributors: Robert R Stitt.)

Location:Snohomish/Three Lakes, WA

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Sax and Council are trying Railroad on Growth Management Act!

Jeff Sax and the other pro-development members of the County Council will make one last try to steal our county for the Developers. They plan to hold what they call the "Final" hearings for the Growth Management Act revisions on December 7. If their actions at the last hearings are any guide, they will probably make a lot of changes in the ordinance to help their Developer friends, and they quickly pass it before the New less development-friendly Council takes control at the first of the year.

This Action alert just came through from Kristin Kelly:
Please click the link below and let the county council know that you want a thoughtful growth plan for Snohomish County, not a maximum growth plan at any cost scenario to satisfy the developer feeding frenzy.

On December 7th at 1:30 p.m. the council will hold their final public hearing on the 10-year comprehensive plan update. They have introduced 65 amendments to the County Executive Preferred Alternative. They are also considering changes that reflect the Alternative 3--highest growth scenario that was not advertised as part of this public hearing process. These changes they are considering mean UGA expansions and rezones to every UGA, some of which will impact critical areas, resource lands and rural lands unnecessarily, and transportation impacts and costs that the public has not had a chance to see or comment on. This hurried public process was advertised on the Friday after Thanksgiving while you were no doubt focused on making turkey sandwiches and visiting with friends and relatives.

Please send in the letter. Feel free to edit the letter to reflect your concerns as well. Let the Council know you are not happy with the land grab scenario at the expense of a thoughtful plan on growth.

For more information, visit the county's website at and click on the 10-year comprehensive plan link.

Thank you,
Kristin Kelly, Field Organizer


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